Keep Your Business Safe and Dry

Inquire about our commercial waterproofing services in the Marietta, GA area

Water damage isn’t good for business, so make sure you waterproof your commercial foundation ASAP. Waterproofing Authority of Georgia specializes in commercial waterproofing services in the Marietta, GA area. You can count on us to seal your foundation, replace your faulty drainage system and install a modern waterproofing system. 


Call 770-820-9580 now to learn more about our commercial drainage solutions.

A person is painting a blue wall with a brush.

Leave your business in hands you can trust

Dealing with water damage can be frustrating and overwhelming. That’s why you should hire a professional to handle your commercial waterproofing services. You’ll feel confident with a team like us by your side because:


  • We’ll make sure the work is done to the highest standards, from preparation to application
  • We’re trained to identify and address waterproofing issues quickly and efficiently 
  • We’ll provide commercial drainage solutions based on your direct needs


Get the details about our 15-year guarantee by contacting us today. 

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